Lesvos, also known as Lesbos, is a captivating Greek island which located in the northeastern Aegean Sea. Renowned for its natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, Lesvos offers a diverse range of experiences to its visitors. The island boasts stunning landscapes, from picturesque coastal villages to lush olive groves and rolling hills. Among its sights, there is the Museum of Industrial Olive Oil Production. The Museum of Industrial Olive-Oil Production of Lesvos showcases the transformation of olive-oil production in Greece due to the introduction of mechanical motion. It highlights the region's significant contributions to the production process with great sensitivity. The museum's aim is to preserve and present our industrial heritage in olive-oil production, placing it within the broader context of architecture, society, and culture of that period. Located in the historic communal olive press of Aghia Paraskevi on Lesvos Island, the museum features meticulously restored...